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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Chain reaction - built in a team

Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
Chain reaction - built in a team
You build dynamic elements from different materials and install them in such a way that a chain reaction takes place. Will everything work as planned?

The course of events

Just as your team consists of different members, whose dynamic interaction can have a great impact, this workshop is also about building up and initiating a chain reaction. The most diverse materials are available to you. You will cut, glue, screw and build together on the elements and string the pieces together one after the other to form a long chain. This can be installed in a single room or over several floors. The main thing is that at the end there is a chain reaction and one element sets the next in motion, as in the cult film "Der Lauf der Dinge" (1987) by the artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss.

The grand finale

When everything is set, the kick-off for the grand finale follows. At the beginning of the installation a ball is set in motion. As boards gradually tip over, balloons explode and books fall like dominoes, the tension rises: will the chain reaction run smoothly from the first to the last element?

Together to the goal

This workshop is not about competition and rivalry, but about mutual success. To get there, you have to coordinate and coordinate with each other as a team. Good communication and the creative ideas of all participants are required. The workshop is therefore a reflection of the everyday work, where you work towards a common goal in order to set positive chain reactions in motion.


Size of group

15 to 500 people


2-3 h


all year round


Western Switzerland to Bern


German, French, English

Costs [CHF]

incl. 8.1% VAT
Up to 22 pers. 1,936.00  flat-rate
From 23 pers. 88.00  /pers.
travel expenses per km 1.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   All necessary material
-   Organization and support

Not included

-   Return journey of the participants
-   possible venue rental
-   Travel expenses of the event team (see costs)
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© Outdoor Dreams GmbH | Bahnhofstrasse 14 | 3400 Burgdorf | 034 533 34 35 |
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Team Events